Tagjohn diefenbaker lester b pearson

The Elections: 1962

After the stunning landslide for Diefenbaker in 1958, it had been a long four years for the prime minister. Over those years, he had seen his popularity drop over the issues of nuclear weapons in Canada and the Avro Arrow cancellation. There were...

Lester B. Pearson

Support the history site tour here: He led Canada through the bulk of the 1960s, with two minority governments. During that time, he brought immense changes to Canada and helped the country gain more prominence on the world stage. Today, I am...

John Diefenbaker

Support Canadian History Ehx with a donation at From 1935 to 1957, Canada was under a Liberal government, the longest stretch for a major political party in Canadian history. That streak came to an end thanks to a man they called Dief the Chief, but...

Canadian History Ehx

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